received from Ortansa…
She has an incredible patience to make these things.
And they are so time consuming, I am amazed by how many she made. You can see them here and here, they are wonderful !
And Ortansa’s friend, Silvia, send me this little pocket. It’s wonderful !
Thank you, my friends !
From Katrina
Ball ornament
On Blue Primrose blog there are a lot of great tutorials, here are a few links:
On the same blog, with no connection with Christmas, but too cute to not share it-
Cord bracelet
Cord bracelet
I hope your preparations for Christmas go well. I have a long list of “must do” before Christmas…
*karendianne. says
What amazingly lovely work. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing!
SewCalGal says
Just delightful. Thanks for sharing.
Hannele says
The Christmas tree is made out of same blocks as my Christmas hexagon ornament in And the ball is the same pattern as my It's so fun to think that people around the world are crafting with same patterns: I got the instruction for the ball through The Quilt Show from a quilter in USA. Both ornament patterns are a bitt addictive…
Sanda says
Ce dragut! trebuie sa ma grabesc si eu cu cadoul meu…hm, cu zapezile astea, trebuie sa ajunga inainte de Craciun!
Rachel says
Oh my goodness – what beautiful ornaments. Those ribbon ornaments must have taken forever to make. What a lovely friend Ortansa is to send them to you!
Lynn says
What wonderful gifts – love the 3 dimensional tree.
Janet Hartje says
Just gorgeous!
Sherry says
so pretty, I used to love quilt but not continue any more so now I am doing jewelry 🙂
Margot says
Hello Geta, I loved this … is very beautiful.
Thank you!
What these beautiful works of Christmas!
charity says
Looks very good to me…the tutorial swill surely help.The nice letter holder looks very cute indeed.