I used the “WreathMaker” tool from Electric Quilt software.
Here are some tips to help you make beautiful wreaths:
NOTE: At the end of this article there is some information for beginner users of Electric Quilt.
In ultimele luni cateva persoane m-au intrebat cum am facut desenele pentru quilturile shadow trapunto.
Am utilizat unealta “WreathMaker” din aplicatia software Electric Quilt.
Iata cateva indicatii care sa va ajute sa faceti coronite frumoase.
Start with: New Block > PatchDraw:
Incepeti cu un bloc nou : New Block > PatchDraw:
Draw a shape, select this shape, click the right button of the mouse and select the option :”WreathMaker“.
Now you have to choose:
Number of clusters / Cluster spacing /Resize cluster.
All these numbers will affect the appearance of the wreath, so try until you are happy with the design.
Se deseneaza o forma geometrica, se selecteaza, se apasa pe butonul drept al mouse-ului si se selecteaza optiunea “WhreatMaker“.
Apoi trebuie sa alegem niste numere:Number of clusters (de cate ori forma selectata se va repeta) / Cluster spacing (spatiul dintre forme ) /Resize cluster ( marimea formelor).
Toate aceste numere vor influenta aspectul coronitei, deci incercati mai multe variante, pana va place designul.This is an option:
Iata o varianta:You can add a circle in the center, then go to the “COLOR” tab and color the background and the wreath.
Se poate adauga un cerc in centru, si apoi se coloreaza (vezi in josul paginii de desenat ).
Let’s try a more complex design, so draw 2 shapes, select both and apply “WreathMaker”. You can get a wreath like this:
Sa incercan un model mai complex, asa ca se deseneaza 2 forme, se selecteaza ambele si se aplica “WreathMaker”. Se poate obtine o coronita ca aceasta:Start to color it, you will end up with an interesting design.
Se coloreaza si se obtine un design mai interesant.
Add a circle in the center and color it;
Se adauga un cerc pe centru si se coloreaza; or add 2 circles, color them and you will have a ring !
sau se adauga 2 cercuri si se coloreaza, si se obtine un inel in centru !
Do you want even more complex design ? Select the entire wreath then apply “WreathMaker” and color:
Un design si mai complex ? Se selecteaza toata coronita, se aplica “WhreatMaker” si se coloreaza :
The most important thing in designing a wreath is this: because the shapes might overlap you can select some shapes to be in front of others and this will make a difference in the design.
Here is an example. I started with 2 sets of shapes:
Cel mai important lucru in designul coronitelor este acesta: deoarece formele se pot suprapune unele peste altele, se pot selecta anumite forme care sa fie deasupra altora si acest lucru produce diferente in design.
Iata un exemplu.Am pornit cu 2 seturi de forme: Select the shapes you want to be in front of others (the shapes will be outlined in green), click the right button of the mouse and select “Send to front”.
Se selecteaza formele dorite a fi deasupra (acestea vor fi scoase in evidenta cu verde ), se apasa butonul drept al mouse-ului si apoi se selecteaza “Send to front”.
In the image below we have 2 different designs depended on which petals we want to be in front of others:
– on the right the wide petals are in front of narrow petals.
In imaginea de mai jos sunt 2 modele diferite, depinzand de care set am ales sa fie deasupra:
– la dreapta petalele late sunt deasupra
Si iata un alt exemplu:
Designing a wreath is influenced by the orientation of the initial shapes.
Here we have the same shapes but different wreaths :
Designul coronitelor e influentat de orientarelor formelor initiale.
Aici avem aceleasi forme de pornire dar orientate diferit si deci, 2 coronite diferite.
For beginner users of Electric Quilt:
How to draw a patch:
Select the shape you want (from the menu on right side of worktable), move the mouse anywhere on the worktable, click on mouse and drag in any direction. As you drag, the shape will appear.
Pentru utilizatorii incepatori de Electric Quilt:
Cum se deseneaza o forma:
Se selecteaza forma dorita din meniul din dreapta , se muta mouse-ul pe tabla de lucru in orice loc, se apasa mouse-ul si se trage in orice directie. Pe masura ce se deplaseaza mouse-ul se deseneaza forma dorita.
How to select a patch:
You need to use the Select tool (the first button on the menu on right side of worktable).
Click on a line of your patch; if you can’t hit the line , enlarge the area where the patch is placed . (using the button with a “+” (Zoom In) from the left menu of the worktable).
You can make multiple-selection by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each patch you want to add to the selection.
Cum se selecteaza o forma:
Se utilizeaza butonul “Select” ( primul buton din meniul din dreapta ), se face click pe o linie a formei respective ; daca nu se poate selecta, se poate face un “Zoom” pe zona care ne intereseaza (cu ajutorul butonului “Zoom In” din meniul din stanga).
Se pot face selectii multiple (se tine apasata tasta SHIFT si se face click pe toate formele dorite) .
How to rotate a patch:
Select the patch, hold down the Ctrl key and click in the center of the patch, then use the mouse on a corner to rotate.
Cum se roteste o forma:
Se selecteaza, se tine apasata tasta CTRL si se face click pe centrul formei; se utilizeaza apoi mouse-ul pe colturi pentru rotire.
How to add a patch in the center of a wreath:
If you want to cover the center of a wreath with a circle (or other patch), draw a circle anywhere on the worktable. Select the circle and move it in the place you want. (once a patch is selected it can be moved or resized).
Cum se adauga o forma pe centrul unei coronite:
Daca se vrea sa se acopere centrul cu un cerc (sau alta forma), se deseneaza un cerc oriunde pe tabla de lucru, se selecteaza si apoi se muta in locul dorit ( o data ce o forma e selectata ea se poate muta sau redimensiona).
The WreathMaker tool will place the wreath in the center of the worktable. This is so cool, you can overlap different wreaths and can end up with more complex and beautiful designs. Here it is an example:
Make a wreath from a patch:
Unelata WreathMaker va plasa coronita pe centrul tablei de lucru. Acest lucru e binevenit, deoarece se pot suprapune perfect mai multe coronite una peste alta si se obtin modele mai complexe.Iata un exemplu:
Se face o coronita dintr-o forma:
On the same worktable, draw another patch (I drew the same patch but with another orientation), select it and apply “WreathMaker”.
Pe aceeasi tabla de lucru, se mai deseneaza o forma, se selecteaza si se face alta coronita:
1. You can draw wreath using only closed shapes (like circles or squares). You can’t use a line or an arc.
2. When you want to color the wreath, do you think that some of your shapes are missing ? They are still there, but probably some larger patches cover them (the background is a large patch too). You need to change the layering order. Don’t forget: Use Shift+click to select multiple patches.
I hope this article will help you to make beautiful wreaths.
As you can see, it’s all about layers, shapes and the way you color them.
If you need more information , look in the “Help” section of your Electric Quilt software.
You can see here the wreaths I made for my shadow trapunto quilts.
1. Se pot face coronite numai cu forme complet inchise (de exemplu, cercuri sau patrate), nu se poate lucra cu o linie sau un arc de cerc.
Sper ca acest articol sa va ajute sa faceti coronite frumoase.
Dupa cum se vede, e vorba despre straturi (layere), forme si modul in care se coloreaza.
Se poate vedea aici ce coronite am facut eu pentru quilturile shadow trapunto.
Would you like to try something new ?
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Merci,doamna profesoara :-).Cand m-apuc de coronite voi sti unde sa caut ajutor !
hey! ce bine prinde o lectie atit de tehnica! multumesc-multumesc! si pe cind un tutorial cu marirea unor desene la dimensiunea dorita ?? ( stii tu la ce ma refer, nu-i asa ? ;)) )
Wonderful instructions!
Multumesc este prea putin sa-ti spun! Abia astept sa incerc maine! Imi pare rau ca nu pot acum!
Wow – those are great instructions and illustrations to go with them. Thanks!
Nu m-am putut abtine si am citit iar instructiunile!
Felicitari si pentru numarul de vizitatori!
Hi Geta,
Thank you for sharing how to use EQ.I’ve tried so hard to learn and i’m still trying! You make it seem so simple that i feel encouraged to give it another attempt.
Thanks again!
Merci, merci pentru tutorial! foarte bine explicat.
Vad ca ai inceput anul in forta 🙂
Si ce mi-au placut si gentutele pentru papusele :))
Hi Geta,
Thank you for sharing how to use EQ. I've had this program for 4 years & never the wreathmaker. It is so easy, now I will use this wit my quilts. Thanks again!
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