I saw "the competition" for my quilt "Summer Rain" in the Nashville contest. The open of AQS Nashville Quilt Expo is just 4 days away.On the American Quilter's Society website there is a slide show of several quilts from contest . And my quilt is one of the ones showing !http://www.americanquilter.com/shows_contests/nashville/2008/general_info/ Keep your fingers crossed for me ! Am vazut … [Read more...]
The essential tool for my shadow trapunto quilts / Unealta esentiala pentru quilturile mele shadow trapunto
I bought the Electric Quilt Software at the very beginning of my quilting adventure.Because I was so ignorant about the subject named quilting, I looked for what people had to say about this software. I was very pleased about the reviews, so I bought it.I made a lot of designs with EQ5.First I drew patchwork designs then later I fell in love with designs for wholecloth.I made a lot of quilts using … [Read more...]
My quilts in Houston/ Quilturile mele la Houston
BIG NEWS: two of my shadow trapunto quilts have been selected as finalists at the International Quilt Festival in the annual IQA Judged Show, Quilts: A World of Beauty. It’s incredible to receive the email with the words: "Congratulations! Your entry....has been selected..." Passsions /details miniature White Bouquet/details My quilt "Old Fashioned Treat" will be displayed in the … [Read more...]
One of my quilts in the American Quilter’s Society contest / Unul din quilturile mele in concursul American Quilter’s Society
My quilt, "Summer rain", is semifinalist in the American Quilter's Society contest in Nashville, August 20 - 23 2008.It's wonderful to find your name on the list, among many celebrities.Quiltul meu, "Summer Rain", este semi-finalist la concursul organizat de American Quilter's Society in Nashville, Tennessee, intre 20-23 august 2008.E minunat sa-ti gasesti numele pe lista, alaturi de numele multor … [Read more...]
Din nou Mylene Farmer
Astazi imi zboara gandul numai la Mylene Farmer.In timp ce lucram la calculator am ascultat cateva melodii pe You Tube si acum nu ma mai pot opri.Iata L'autre, preferata mea ani de zile. Versiunea din concertul din 1996 e minunata.Fanii Mylene Farmer nu pot sa n-o iubeasca si pe Alizee.Descoperita si lansata pe scena muzicii de Mylene Farmer si Laurent Boutonnat, care i-au compus melodiile, a … [Read more...]
Dancing Feathers- a new shadow trapunto quilt
I finished the latest shadow trapunto quilt.It wasn't as large as the last quilt, so this time quilting was an enjoyable experience.Am terminat noul shadow trapunto quilt. Nu a fost atat de mare ca cel de data trecuta, asa ca quiltingul a fost o experienta mult mai placuta (si mai rapida). Dancing Feathers95 x 98 cm / 37.5 x38.5 inch---------------------------------------------------I made this … [Read more...]
Shadow trapunto quilt in progress/ Quilt shadow trapunto in lucru
My latest shadow trapunto quilt was in danger to remain unfinished because of a stupid reason: the lack of invisible thread. But my friend Teodora saved me, and now I have to finish it. Ultimul meu quilt shadow trapunto, care trebuie terminat in 3-4 zile, a fost in pericol de a fi abandonat ! Here's the back of the quilt Iata quiltul pe dos Pentru stupidul motiv ca am ramas fara ata de … [Read more...]
A new shadow trapunto quilt/ Un nou quilt shadow trapunto
I finished my latest shadow trapunto quilt and I am quite exhausted.I thought that I will never finish it. Actually, I made it in 2 months. "Passion" 52 x 52 inch / 132 x 132 cm People say that it is fun to make a quilt, I agree, but in case of this quilt, at this moment, I can’t remember anything but a lot of work, a hard work. Lucky me I had a deadline for this quilt, otherwise, I don’t … [Read more...]
Fun with your photos/ Distrati-va cu fotografii
Yesterday I saw on Dora’s blog a fun picture: a quilted cube (thank you, Dora !). So I went to this site and now I am still playing with my photos.Ieri am vazut pe blogul Dorei o poza haioasa (mersi, Dora). Asa ca am mers pe acest site si acum inca ma joc cu fotografiile mele. I made another set of floral postcards. I am crazy about them.Am facut un alt set de carduri florale. Imi plac la … [Read more...]
One of my quilts in a special exhibit at International Quilt Festival in Houston
My quilt "Old Fashion Treat" was selected to participate in the special exhibit at International Quilt Festival in Houston, "In Full Bloom: Floral Quilts In Memory of Helen Pearce O’Bryant". This annual festival is reputed to be the "The World's Fair of Quilts." Collectors and anyone with an appreciation for fine handiwork consider this to be a must-see event. This year will be the 35th … [Read more...]