Could someone resist to these colors ?Poate cineva rezista acestor culori ? Sure I can't !Though it is taffeta and it is a very slippery fabric, I managed to cut squares ( but only one square at a time !). I will make something with these ...Eu nu ! Desi e tafta si e foarte alunecoasa, am reusit sa tai din ea patrate (dar doar un patrat odata...). O sa fac ceva din ele... 2 years ago I made this … [Read more...]
Dancing Feathers- a new shadow trapunto quilt
I finished the latest shadow trapunto quilt.It wasn't as large as the last quilt, so this time quilting was an enjoyable experience.Am terminat noul shadow trapunto quilt. Nu a fost atat de mare ca cel de data trecuta, asa ca quiltingul a fost o experienta mult mai placuta (si mai rapida). Dancing Feathers95 x 98 cm / 37.5 x38.5 inch---------------------------------------------------I made this … [Read more...]
A new shadow trapunto quilt/ Un nou quilt shadow trapunto
I finished my latest shadow trapunto quilt and I am quite exhausted.I thought that I will never finish it. Actually, I made it in 2 months. "Passion" 52 x 52 inch / 132 x 132 cm People say that it is fun to make a quilt, I agree, but in case of this quilt, at this moment, I can’t remember anything but a lot of work, a hard work. Lucky me I had a deadline for this quilt, otherwise, I don’t … [Read more...]
Shadow trapunto quilt
My latest shadow trapunto quiltUltimul meu quilt, shadow trapunto pe organzaSummer Rain - 38 x 38 inch, 95 x 95 cmDetails - DetaliiThe back of the quilt - DosulIn afara de ata transparenta, pe spatiile mai mari am cusut cu TRIDALIA (100% trilobal poliester- ce-o fi insemnand asta- probabil din 3 fire - firul e oricum, rasucit ). E facuta de Coats, se gaseste si la noi intr-o multitudine de culori, … [Read more...]
Wholecloth quilts/ Quilturi “dintr-o bucata”
What can we do with a piece of fabric too beautiful to be cut in pieces for patchwork?Put under this fabric a piece of batting and a backing, quilt it, and we have a quilt!Ce se poate face cu o bucata de material mult prea frumoasa pentru a fi taiata in bucati, pentru patchwork ? Se pune sub ea un strat de vatelina si inca o tesatura pentru dos, se quiltuieste, si gata quiltul !I had 1 yard of … [Read more...]