I intended to make a floral quilt, but it turned out to be a quilt that makes me think of sweets. The laced pattern and the colors of the background fabric remind me about the nice feelings we had when we made visits some time ago. The host laid carefully a laced tablecloth on the table, a little bowl with home made jam and a glass of very cold water. What a time! Who treats us with jam now?
Modelul dantelat, culorile materialului de fond imi aduc aminte de rasfatul cu care eram tratati pe vremuri, cand mergeam undeva in vizita, iar gazda aseza cu mare grija pe masa servetul de dantela, farfurioara cu dulceata (evident, facuta in casa) si paharul cu apa rece. Ce vremuri ! Cine ne mai serveste acum cu dulceata ??
I remember the time when I was a child, and we were going in the forest, so close to us, to pick up blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
In fact, I may even make myself some pancakes with raspberries jam – made by mom!
Imi aduc aminte si de vremurile cand eram copil, si mergeam in padure dupa fructe (padurea era la doi pasi de noi !): fragi, zmeura, afine, mure. Pe atunci era o corvoada, acum as merge cu drag, dar din diverse motive, ajungem foarte rar !
Daca ma gandesc bine, s-ar putea chiar sa ma duc sa fac niste clatite cu dulceata de zmeura ! Facuta de mama !
Pot sa vin si eu la clatitele cu dulceata de smeura ??;)))
Trapunto-ul acesta este ca o poveste..parfumata, dulce, fina…minunat…minunat!
Geta, ma “omori” cu frumusetile astea !!!Si acesta imi place tare,tare mult!Felicitari ,felicitari !
E minunat, Gata. Cam cat timp iti ia un astfel de quilt?
Am cautat pe internet azi noapte, nu am mai gasit pe altcineva sa lucreze asemenea quilturi! Quilturi mandala cu shadow trapunto. 100% Geta Grama.
Minunat, fin , elegant!
Maiestrie si talent! Felicitari Geta si pofta mare la clatite:)
Fabulous work. I’ve just looked round your website too, wonderful quilts. Well done, it must be quite hard living in a country without the quilting ‘buzz’.