Designing patterns with Electric Quilt can be an addictive job. Last night I started to design some patterns at 10 PM and I didn’t stop until 2 AM.
Sa creezi modele cu Electric Quilt da dependenta (ca si multe alte lucruri legate de quilt) !
Ieri seara la 10 am zis sa lucrez ceva in EQ5, si nu m-am mai oprit decat la 2 noaptea !

I will use this combination in my next quilts.
Nu-mi place negrul, dar imi place din ce in ce mai mult combinatia alb-negru.
Voi utiliza aceasta combinatie pentru urmatoarele quilturi.
The same design, just another orientation
Acelasi design, doar orientare diferita
The same motif was the starting point for all these 3 designs
Toatele modele au fost facute pornind de la acelasi motiv
The same motif repeated 3, 4 and 6 times
Acelasi motiv repetat de 3, 4 si 6 ori
Imi place la nebunie Electric Quilt. Nu stiu ce ar putea face alte programe, dar nici nu am nevoie !
I wish I had even a SLIGHT clue how to do this in EQ. I’ve had the program for several years and can only do the most rudimentary things with it. Guess someday I need to read the manual…ugh!!!!
These designs are wonderful – can’t wait to see them in a quilt.
Asa cred si eu, precum Lynn, sunt frumoase in EQ dar vor fi splendide intr-un quilt.
Te pup
esti o sursa necontenita de surprize…alb si negru , zici ?;)) quiltul ce se contureaza de pe-acum va fi superb…ca dealtfel toate celelalte semnate de tine. :))
Tot pernute faci? Spuneai ca vrei sa faci o serie,nu?Ce frumuseti or sa fie!
Dear Geta, I have no words to describe your work. Its absolutely amazing. I am truly inspired. I will keep coming back to your blog for sure.
Keep designing.