Am primit un cadou de la o prietena de quilting din SUA.
But can you guess what is the size of this quilt ?
Puteti ghici care e dimensiunea quiltului ?
Here it is ! 4 .75 x 4.75 inch (11.5 x 11.5 cm)
The little basket is smaller then 1.5 inch (3 cm)
Iata-l ! Cosuletul e mai mic de 3 cm Thank you, Lynn ! I fell in love with it! I can’t hang it on the wall because whenever I look at it, I have to hold it in my hand !
Multumesc Lynn ! M-am indragostit de el ! Nu il pot pune pe perete, pentru ca de cate ori ma uit la el, trebuie sa il pun in palma !
I understood, once again, what friendship means for quilters: many hours of hard work just for bringing smiles on friends’ faces.
Am inteles, inca o data, ce inseamna prietenia pentru quilterite: multe ore de munca grea, doar pentru a aduce zambete pe chipul prietenilor.
The little quilt has a wonderful finishing: a perfect binding, even a piping. Piping is not an usual thing for quilters, so I was amazed that Lynn used a piping on a miniature ( I am sure it was a hard work).Micul quilt are un finisaj uimitor: un binding perfect si un piping.
Nu multa lume isi bate capul sa adauge un piping la binding, si sunt uimita ca Lynn a folosit asta intr-o miniatura.I have never seen such a perfect stitched binding, my bindings are far away from hers… the mitered corners are perfect and the hand stitches on the back are invisible… I mean INVISIBLE.
Apoi, in viata mea n-am vazut un binding cusut atat de perfect. N-am vazut prea multe quilturi, dar bindingul meu e departe de al ei… Are colturile cusute, perfect drepte, iar pe dos, cusatura este invizibila ! I can imagine the size of the seam allowances: 1 mm (1/16 inch).
Imi pot imagina ce rezerve a avut la cusaturi: 1 mm.
Lynn, the words can’t say how much I thank you and how much I enjoy this quilt. All I can say is that whenever I see the quilt, I lay it on my hands and I wonder about it. Lynn, cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns sa iti multumesc, pot doar sa iti spun ca ori de cate ori vad quiltul, il pun in palme si ma minunez ! Si imi doresc sa fac si eu unul !
I have so much to learn from you: how to piece such a miniature (I am sure that it needs some tips and tricks) and how to put such a perfect binding.
Am multe de invatat de la tine: cum sa pisuiesc o asemenea minunatie (pt ca sunt sigura ca e nevoie de multe smecherii sa te poti descurca cu o asa marime) si cum sa pun un binding asa perfect.You can see more of Lynn’s miniatures on her blog.Puteti vedea alte miniaturi ale lui Lynn pe blogul ei.
Ce frumos. Eu am vizitat blogul lui Lynn si am vazut miniaturile. Sunt speciale. Lynn and her gift are special!
Thank you for your kind words Geta – to me after piecing miniatures for so many years the piecing is not so hard but my machine quilting needs help. I am trying to learn to machine quilt better. Check out Sharon Schamber’s web page for lots of video tutorials. She has a great free video on binding. Check out her videos on YouTube as well
Happy Quilting – Lynn
Ce minunat sa-ti faci prieteni ,la distanta, doar avand o pasiune comuna!
Mi-ar place sa vad si eu micutul quilt !
Very pretty! Lynn you are very talented too. And I see we live not too far apart!
Mary in KS
heeei, vei deveni o rasfatata ;)) cu asa cadouri minunate…intr-adevar miniquiltul lui Lynn reprezinta o munca extrem de migaloasa si e atit de fermecator realizat!
pupici si o seara frumoasa-frumoasa…(tocmai ce imi trag si eu sufletul dupa inca o zi extrem de incarcata)