I made two pillows with the shadow trapunto technique.
I enjoy so much the motifs from my latest quilt, “Dancing Feathers”, so I used them again for these designs. I will use them again, soon, I guess…
Am facut doua pernute cu tehnica shadow trapunto.
Mi-au placut asa mult motivele de pe ultimul quilt, “Dancing Feathers”, asa ca am utilizat aceleasi motive si pentru aceste modele. Si cred ca le voi mai utiliza, cat de curand…
Lucrul la aceasta dimensiune nu a fost greu deloc, doar consumator de timp.
I finished the pillow like any quilt: with a binding ! An easy way and a nice finishing !
Am incheiat pernutele ca orice quilt: cu un binding ! Foarte usor si foarte dragut !
Am incheiat pernutele ca orice quilt: cu un binding ! Foarte usor si foarte dragut !
I love to make pillows like these! Next time I will try a pure black and white combination !
Bineinteles ca acum imi place sa fac si pernute ! Data viitoare, am sa incerc o combinatie alb-negru.
Multumesc. Multumesc mult. Ma gandisem sa scriu eu un articol si sa ti-l trimit sa il publici pe blog.
pernute fermecate!!! sunt superbe…iar imi faci pofta de trapunto!!!!;))si ce idee minunata cu bindingul la ele…hmm…buna de pus in practica.
Sunt grozav de frumoase…ce sistem de inchidere ai facut?
These are beautiful I want to learn to do this, is there an online lesson that you know of?
Geta – your pillows are so pretty. I don’t see how you trim the batting so close to the organza and not cut it. The fabrics you chose for the backgrounds sure show off the design nicely.
Good job as always!!!
Beautiful! Someday I’ll get brave enough to try this but know I don’t have nearly the patience or skill you have.
Saw these pillows on the TQS site so had to visit your blog and I am glad I did. I am amazed by your intricate work, it is so beautiful. Maggi
Ne faci pofta! He,he,he! Eu nu am nici un spor la lucru, inca!
superbe pernute! iar modelele cu electric quilt sunt intr-adevar unicat