Whenever I see a beautiful print, I remember about “stack and whack” Kaleidoscope. But just recently I have used stripes fabrics. It’s so easy to make Kaleidoscope from stripes !
Ori de cate ori vad un imprimeu frumos, gandul imi zboara la kaleidoscope, prima mea dragoste. Dar acum e prima oara cand am folosit materiale imprimate cu benzi. Cat de usor se lucreaza cu acest tip de imprimeu !
Am taiat o multime de forme in diverse marimi si iata ce a iesit !
I made hexagons
Am facut hexagoane
I didn’t waste any piece of fabric
N-am irosit nici un pic de material
so the smallest Kaleidoscope is 4 x 4 inch
asa ca am cel mai mic Kaleidoscope are 10 x 10 cm
Ce dragutze sunt. Vazusem de curand in nu-stiu-ce blog sau site o metoda de kaleidoscope si ma gandisem la tine. Le-ai cusut foarte foarte repede.
Ce frumoase sunt! Am admirat aceasta metoda de cand le-am vazut la tine.
Nu ma mai satur sa ma uit la ele..am si eu niste material cu dungi si o sa incerc dar imi trebuie indemanarea ta. Imi plac foarte mult
abia astept articolul urmator :)))) intotdeauna sunt gata pentru lectii noi!;)
Ti-au iesit minunate !!
These different shapes are so beautiful! I particularly like how you manipulated the fabric and got the stripes to behave in so many different shapes!
Would you please post a tutorial on how you did the kaleidoscope block using the striped floral fabric?