Ultimele kaleidoscopuri de anul asta:
I finished these blocks very quickly (every block is a little quilt), because my husband gave me a helping hand: he wanted to do the unskilled work !
Le-am finisat destul de repede, pentru ca am avut ajutor: sotul meu a vrut sa faca el “munca necalificata” !The piece of fabric was gorgeous, I wouldn’t have cut it for anything else than Kaleidoscope blocks.
Materialul a fost superb, nu l-as fi taiat pentru altceva decat Kaleidoscope .
These are the blocks ( with a yellow tint! ); every block is unique and each one is more beautiful than the other ones.
Nu stiu de ce pozele mi-au iesit asa “ingalbenite”.
Fiecare bloc e unic si e unul mai frumos decat altul :
The square blocks are beautiful too and so easy to make.
Si cele patrate sunt superbe si atat de usor de facut:
I told you that there is no wasted fabric; even if you end up with some unusual shapes (you can make some appliques from them):
V-am zis ca nu se pierde nici un pic de material; chiar daca ies forme mai ciudate (care se pot aplica si asa cum sunt):you can cut regular shapes from them !
din ele se pot taia forme regulate !
Intr-adevar si cele patrate sunt superbe. Faci fete de masa de Craciun?
Nu, sunt blocuri gata quiltuite! Unele mai mari, altele mai mici !
Numarul 4 si nr.8 din “lista” sunt …breath-taking!! ;)) nu pot sa nu recunosc ca de fapt toate sunt magnifice dar astea doua m-au lasat cu ochii-n…ecran!!:))) si cind ma gindesc ca am si eu materialul acesta si nu ma indur sa-l tai…inca nu ! cine stie ce idee grozava iti vine in viitor si voi putea profita atunci de el :)))
These are beautiful!! I like how you used the odd leftover pieces too. I always save them because I hate to throw them away, but don’t always use them. Did you finish each block on it’s own? What is your plan for them. That is nice that your husband wants to help. What a sweetie!
So pretty! You are a girl after my own heart..using every scrap down to the smallest. Just beautiful!
Sunt minunate! Nu ma mai satur privindule!
Buna! Iti urmaresc de mult creatiile, si te admir pt ce ai reusit sa realizezi pana acum. M-as bucura sa-mi faci si tu o vizita pe falushtain.blogspot.com
Chiar sunt minunate,ce faci din ele ?
These blocks are marvellous! Thank you for sharing.
Es un Precioso Trabajo. Gracias por mostrarnos tantas Labores Bellas y por darnos tantos Tutoriales. Que Dios Te Bendiga. Con Gran Cariño desde Venezuela.