Our favorite job for Christmas: to decorate wreaths for all our family.
Ocupatia noastra ( a mea si a surorilor) favorita, de multi ani, de Craciun: sa impodobim coronite de brad, pentru toata familia.
We had a lot of ribbons and globes
Am avut o mare de panglici si globuri
Am avut o mare de panglici si globuri

acestea le-am facut duminica trecuta
Enjoy the colors !
Bucurati-va de culori !

Orange+purple is such a gorgeous combination !
Nu m-as fi gandit ca portocaliu+visiniu poate fi o combinatie asa frumoasa !
Nu m-as fi gandit ca portocaliu+visiniu poate fi o combinatie asa frumoasa !
very pretty wreaths – I bet there will be smiles on faces when they see them.
Those are really pretty – did you make the wreaths too? I love the orange and green ornaments with the glitter trees on it. Do you do all the decorating of the wreaths yourself or do your sisters come over to help with the decorating? Sounds like it could be a fun project.
Very beautiful wreaths. Do they get the blocks too?
Si mie imi plac nuantele. Ai ales cele mai frumoase culori. Si pana la urma ce culoare nu se potriveste cu verdele intens al ramurilor de brad?!
Beautiful wreaths, is there no end to your talents?
Ce coronite frumoase!Si culori pentru toate gusturile! Geta, felicitari!
OMG! Your wreaths are gorgeous!
You should sell them on ebay or etsy!
Too Cool.
Sam in Middle TN