Could someone resist to these colors ?
Poate cineva rezista acestor culori ?
Sure I can’t !
Though it is taffeta and it is a very slippery fabric, I managed to cut squares ( but only one square at a time !). I will make something with these …
Eu nu ! Desi e tafta si e foarte alunecoasa, am reusit sa tai din ea patrate (dar doar un patrat odata…). O sa fac ceva din ele…
2 years ago I made this wholecloth bed quilt. A simple fabric like taffeta turned out in this gorgeous quilt:
Acum 2 ani am facut acest quilt “wholecloth”. Un material simplu ca taftaua s-a transformat intr-un quilt minunat:
niko says
E chiar minunat! Felicitari!
maggi says
You are very brave to work with taffeta squares although I agree the colours are irresistible. The whole cloth quilt is stunning.
Mary L. says
I can’t imgine doing that much quilting with tafetta. You are brave indeed!
Ela says
Da, se lucreaza mai greu, este alunecoasa dar va arata la fel de minunat ca cea grena! Iar pernele cu coltul alb(sau crem ??) arata …hmmm!Super!
Karen says
Love the colours of the tafetta squares.