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The bowl measures 13 inches from a point to the opposite point.
Make six “A” pieces and one “B” piece. I made these pieces from quilted fabric.
Make a sandwich from a piece of fabric, batting and backing.
Quilt the sandwich as desired.

Below is the front and the back of a piece:Sew the bottom sides of the “A” panels to the sides of the “B” center piece, following this succession:
Use a wide zigzag stitch and be sure you catch the both edges. Backstitch at the beginning and the ending of each seam.
This is how it looks after I stitched all the pieces around the hexagons:
The stitches on the back:

After you completed all the stitches, you will have a bowl like this:
And the funny part: the bowl is reversible !
If you want to make your own templates, be sure the bottom side of the “A” piece has the same size as the side of the hexagon :
and you must have some distance between two “A” pieces :
Happy sewing!
This is so pretty…thanks for the great tutorial.
thanks – I wonder how those were made.
Great tutorial. I’ve always thought I’d make some of these one day, but have yet to get to it.
Have always wanted to make one of these bowls. Love your shadow trapunto designs on the sections!
Just found your Web site and love it! This is a great tutorial and your quilting is gorgeous. I hope someday soon you will make a tutorial for how you do your trapunto! — Constance
E superb,ca tot ceea ce faci.O singura data am facut si eu unul,dar dintr-o bucata si nu a iesit asa de frumos .
So beautiful! I have the book: fabrics and bowls. You can make lovely this from it. Thanks for the tutioral.
Ce frumos este! Am facut si eu unul pe care l-am dat cadou sorei mele!Dar
quiltingul tau este asa frumos ,mareste frumusetea materialului!
Multumesc pentru tutorial!
I have been looking at your site and I must tell you that work is beautiful! I will be back to visit often.
The bowl is just beautiful, but I could not get my eye off your wonderful whole cloth quilt. Just stunning work!
This bowl is lovely-love the quilting. I took a class but your method seems much easier!
Lovely bowl, great tutorial – thanks!
Take care, Sabine
Your work is SO beautiful – thanks for sharing it. (I found you via One Pretty Thing)
Thanks so much for the free tutorial on your wonderful shadow trapunto.
Very beautiful bowl and a wonderful tutorial. I will be making these by the dozens. Thank you for sharing.
Multumesc pentru toate tutorialele pe care le expui pe blog . TOate imi sunt de folos pentru ca toate sunt foarte bine explicate! Ti-am spus vreodata ca am invatat trapunto dupa tutorialul tau? Daca nu , iti spun acum si multumesc again :). La ora aceea tutorialul tau era singurul bine explicat pe care l-am putut urma .
Wow, you make beautifull works, thanks for sharing! I’m going to link you on my blog! Renata.
Thank you for your tutorial. I have put a link to you on my freebies blog. See all that chinese above my comment…it is spam…I got 4 messages from this same person Disa just today….looks like she is spamming everybody…hugs Khris
p.s. you know you can delete them.
What a lovely bowl, great tutorial, come and visit my blog sometime!
This is a great tutorial…thanks so much!
The bowl is gorgeous! Thanks for the tutorial!
The bowl is lovely, the perfect Secret Santa gift for my sewing group. Thank you for your inspiration.
How lovely!
wow!!! it's a beautifulllllll!!!
thank you for idea
by gioella
1000 de felicitari pentru tot cea ce faci, totul este superb
This is too cool. I already have some fabric in mind I want to try out that I saw at http://www.thefabricemporium.com
I made one! Take a look at my photos:
Thanks so much for the tutorial – I shared it with so many people.
Ciao Geta.
I made one too. Thanks for the tutorial.
Wow awesome!Thank you so much for this comprehensive tutorial! You have explain it very well to understand easily and follow them..
Beautiful bowl and excellent work. I found your tutorial so easy to understand and follow, but one question…. What is a trapunto? I have a lot to learn and appreciate your time taken to post your experience. Ruth in Washington
wow! wonderful!!!!
I'm just now seeing this, Geta, but it's beautiful! I've seen these in a local quilt shop, but didn't realize just how easy they were to make. How fun!
Geta, thank you so much for this tutorial. Your tutorial not only has taught me how to make these but it has encourage me to try new things. I have learned so much and I am very appreciative. Check out my work if you get a chance!
Shortly after coming across Geta’s webpage (about a month ago), I found these bowls and fell in love. I’ve since made six bowls and from the reactions I have a feeling I’ll be making many more. They are so super simple, but oh so spectacular! Everyone loves them. Another homerun Geta!
How long are the sides of your Pentagon and hexagon. I do not have a printer. Could you send your sizes, length of sides, to me at my Email. agape8198@gmail.com. Thank you, Kathleen,
Ruth in Louisiana
Geta, I love your fabric bowls. However, I do not have a printer and I do not see the length of the lines for the Pentagon. The hexagon could be figured sine all six sides are equal.I hope you still look at this page!
What are they used for?
I love this bowl ! Can’t wait to try it. Off to the fabric shop.
Thanks so much