These are the last ones, I think.
Shadow trapunto looks gorgeous on these bowls, but they require a lot of work…

Fresh Ideas for Quilts and Bags
These are the last ones, I think.
Shadow trapunto looks gorgeous on these bowls, but they require a lot of work…
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ce minunate saaaant!!!!toate creatiile tale. Sa-ti dea Dumnezeu sanatate si spor in tot ce faci .
These bowls are so pretty! The top two remind me of flowers blooming open!
Extraordinar! Felicitari draga Geta!
PS. Sper ca nu arunci bucatelele taiate din cerc (sliturile), putem face altceva din ele!
Oh my goodness!! They are all just really really lovely! You are so clever! :)I love the colours and think i am going to have to try these very soon.
Sanda, sliturile le-am aruncat deja, sunt destul de mici
Asta imi aminteste ca acum cateva saptamani incepusem sa fac o geanta prea mare, si am taiat din bucata quiltuita o bucata considerabila. Mircea m-a ajutat sa strang dezastrul si cand a ajuns la acea bucata, m-a intrebat ce sa faca cu ea. “Arunc-o !”, i-am spus ! Zice: “Nu, eu n-o arunc, arunc-o tu ! “
They’re all so unique and gorgeous. The possibilities are endless.
They are so beautiful! You could sell these on Etsy and I bet they would be snapped up very quickly.
Beautiful . absolutly lovely . you have talent
Toate sunt foarte frumoase, dar primele doua sunt fantastice. Felicitari!
What a beautiful collection of bowls. Good job!
Such fun and so very pretty
Simply beautiful work!
Those are gorgeous!! I saw this tutorial and had to make one for myself just to see how it turned out but mine was plain.
Amazing, amazing! Love the scalloped edges especially.
Love the bowls!
I LOVE that beige daisy bowl!! and those Shadow Trapunto bowls are awesome!!
WooooW! Ce multe si frumoase sunt! Avea dreptate sotul tau cu aruncatul!Nimic nu se arunca!
Your quilted bowls are absolutely beautiful! Just amazing. I agree with Lindi–you could definitely sell these easily.
Wow. I am in awe. They are so so beautiful.
Parerea lucrari minunate-un alt lucru mult mai frumos felicitari
They are all so beautiful – even your mistake looks as good as the others.
All of your bowls are terrific!
Oh my they are gorgeous, it would nearly be sinful to put something in them.
Lovely work.
Sunt minunate si acestea,ca toate celelalte !
Beautifully done!
Your bowls are just magnificent. Jaw dropping gorgeous.
These are beautiful!!!
Hermosos todos los bols. Felicitaciones! Saludos desde Uruguay