After the tutorial I wrote a few months ago about how to design wreaths using Electric Quilt software, here are a few other ideas to help you draw more complex designs.Even if you don’t have EQ, you can still use some of the principles shown here for drawing your own design on paper.
Let’s start drawing this design ( this is one of my shadow trapunto quilts – you can see other designs here).
Start a New Block > PatchDraw, draw some shapes like the ones below and combine them.
Select them all, click the right button of the mouse and apply “WreathMaker”.

Select from the above design just two clusters and remove all the others.

You will end up with something like this:
Select the entire design and apply WreathMaker again ( select Number of clusters=4 ).
I have now this design. I wanted a design with closed clusters so I made a few trials until I get it (I adjusted the size and the space between clusters).
Go to the Color tab and color the backgound.
Now we need other shapes to fill the center. Draw something like this:

Then I wanted one more design to fill the center. I drawn a circle and applied “WreathMaker/Number of cluster=8”

If you want to keep the symmetry of the design, for the next wreaths use a number of clusters divisibles by 4 ( like 4, 8 ,12 …). Don’t use 3 or 5 or 7 clusters.
I reduced the size of the circles wreath.
And this is the design ! It is very easy !
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.
If you will design some wreaths, I will be happy to see them. Please send me a picture !
GORGEROUS!!!! Nothing else!
As always, thank you so much for generously sharing your technique.
You really know how to break down the components and make it easy to understand.
WOW! This is fabulous! Your work is outstanding. Thanks for all the great info.
Delightful tutorial. I'm inspired. Thank you for sharing.
Your work is always so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
M-a distrat "it's easy"
Nu e usor, dar tu faci sa para asa. You are the wizard, not the wreath maker tool 
Doua intrebari:
1. De ce cand cloneaza nu pastraza pozitita initiala a imaginii? Se poate seta de undeva?
2. Cand aleg Flip H, as dori sa pot alege in ce directie sa se faca "flipingul", dreapta sau stanga.
Merci mult. Azi voi trimite imaginea facuta de mine
Thanks for all the great sharing!!
Excellent tutorial! Anything that demystifies EQ is a great thing!!
Oh wow thanks for posting this. I am going to try it.
I missed this post when you first released it, but am happy I'm going back over your blog. Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing.
Is that a quilt for someone that has passed? If it is it is absolutely beautiful! I am going to make one for my daughter. Thank you for the inspiration!
Just going through looking at all the posts in your blog. You are very talented and I love all the work you are doing. I particularly love your trapunto… its very new to me, and I love how you make trapunto and design for it.