Here is the promised tutorial on free motion quilting!
In my country quilting is unknown to most people that is why I had to learn all by myself. Can you believe that the hardest thing I had to understand was stitching in the ditch?
I had no one to tell me “Don’t do this, it is wrong” so I do some things in my own manner. They make my quilting easier and I use them all the time.Here are some of them:
1. Position of hands
This is the most important thing to me: I don’t quilt with both hands on top of the quilt sandwich. Fortunately, no one force me to do this – I would rather give up quilting!
Look at the picture below.
For me this position of hands is much more comfortable. I move the quilt around without difficulty and with no pain in my shoulders. I don’t wear any type of gloves, I don’t need them.
I keep on top only my left hand (keeping the quilt laying flat)…
… and the right hand I keep under the quilt. I use this hand to move the quilt.
I also use my left hand to move it around, but the right hand is mainly doing the job.
2. Basting
I use pins (instead of safety pins) to baste the quilt sandwich. I keep the points of the pins in the middle layer (batting). Sometimes I have scratches on my hands (especially if the quilt is large). But since we have Pepe (our kitten) I have them anyway on my hands.
I love using pins because I put them so quickly and I remove them equally. Don’t use pins on baby quilts ! Or be careful to remove them all.
If the quilt top is large I layer it with batting and backing on the floor. I use masking tape to secure the backing to the floor.
If it is not large I baste it on a table and I use clamps to stretch the backing fabric.
3. How I start a stitch
I bring the bottom thread to the top. Holding both threads securely, I start taking 3-4 tiny backstitches. I end the stitch in the same way.

4. Maintenance of the sewing machine
5. About threads
My sewing machine (like all the machines, I assume) works wonderfully with quality threads. And because not all my threads are of the best quality, I save the best for using on top (because I usually have problems with the top thread).
6. About needles
I always use quality needles. Lately I have used Schmetz Topstitch needles (#14/90 or #16/100) for most of my projects. They have a large eye and I noticed that the thread does not break so often. If the thread keeps breaking I change the needle.
And I always test its point: if it is dull and does not prick or it leaves a scratch on my fingernail it is time to change it.
7. Why is it harder to quilt large quilts ?
If the quilt hangs off the edges of the table we work on, this will cause difficulties in moving the quilt around. So this is the golden rule for easy free motion quilting : regardless of the size of the table we use (I use a small one), we must keep the whole sandwich on the table at all times.
I start quilting in the center and I never roll the quilt. I just place half of the quilt under the arm of my machine and I quilt on a small area at a time. If the sewing machine fits into a cabinet and there is a large flat area to work on, this is a tremendous help.
8. How to quilt fancy designs
I hate to trace a pattern onto fabrics or make stencils.
That is why I let the computer to make the hard work for me.
I print the desired design on lightweight paper.
I pin the paper onto the quilt sandwich.
I stitch the design (with dense stitches) then I carefully remove the paper.
From my experience stitching a pattern through paper is the easiest method of stitching a design because the lines are very visible. You will focus only on stitching. This little quilt was entirely quilted using this method.

9. An example of quick and easy quilting
I outline the patches I want to enhance and I use stippling on the background.
The right side of a block
The back
For outlining the shapes I use stitches like these (done with free motion)
I can’t finish this post without showing you the quilting on the back of my favorite shadow trapunto quilt. I made it using many of the tips shown here.
Bravo! I must try your hand positions. I'm still learning and free motion is taking so much time to get decent results. Maybe I can blame it on the hand position? Your other tips were helpful as well. Thank you!
Very helpful, thank you!
You are kind that to send good councils to become all dressmaker's hands
Thank you.I wait for your next councils
.Loving embrace for good councils Marika
This was an excellent tutorial for a beginner thru advanced quilter. Something for everyone. And beautiful, beautiful, beautiful quilting shown as examples.
I think you should write a book.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for sharing. I think i have picked up a tip or two that I will be trying out. Thanks Again!
Geta, this tutorials is great, it really helps me more on my quiting-make-easy…. Thanks you so much!!!
Thank you, Geta; I have just started to practice machine quilting. Your tips will be a big help. Your work is very nice.
Thank you for the tips Geta! Will be trying them out in my next quilt!
You really gave me some great info I will have to try to hold my hands the way you do thanks for the info and can't wait to see you next one.
Excellent tutorial!! Thanks so much for sharing
Thanks so much for sharing. It's very helpful !
Excellent tutorial!! Thanks so much for sharing. I like especially the quilting through paper : what paper use you for easy removing, please ? All your work is amazing !!!
Super tutorial, Geta. I especially enjoyed the part about quilting over your printed paper designs. I love feathers but rarely do them. I'll give this a try next time. Thanks, Geta!
si eu iti multumesc.
This was a lovely and very well-organized tutorial. And we can see that your home decor also benefits from your talents!
A wonderful tutorial on machine quilting, Geta! I like your hand positions and will try them.
Wonderful, Geta! So clear and easy to understand. I like your pictures. They are very helpful. Thank you for telling us how YOU do it and not how it SHOULD be done!
Multumesc mult pentru acest tutorial, chiar a fost bine venita
Gyönyörű, fantasztikusan szép munkák!
Another excellent tutorial! Great job!
I've had a lot of trouble with thread breaking when I machine quilt. Thanks to you, I'll try different needles and see if it helps.
Your quilting techniques are obviously good – since you use them to produce such beautiful work!
Oh my. Your stitching is beautiful. I've only tried my hand at free motion stitching twice and I can't imagine getting it that perfect. You've inspired me to try though. Thanks for the tips!
My tip is use gloves wheh quilting. There are lots of specialty quilters' gloves, but my favourites so far are Ansell Hyflex from the supermarket. They make an unbelieveable difference, and allowed my to move my right hand from underneath the quilt top, and reduce strain on my hands/arms/shoulders/neck.
Emma from
Very nice tutorial, good information. I am going to try the hand positions and the paper technique. Thanks for sharing. BEAUTIFUL work!
I just love your tutorial on the machine quilting. You did a wonderful job of explaining the way you have learned to do it. For all of the having to learn on your own, you have really become an expert machine quilter.
Thanks you so much. This will help me a lot.
The last picture with big white blanket is also a machine quilting? It is so fantastyc to see someone can make these beautyfull things.
Amazing!! Great Job!! Thanks for the tutorial!!
Thank you, this is very helpful.
Nice tutorial!
Thanks for your work, there are some useful – and new!! – tips for me:))
I'm waiting for the next round – love your quilts!
Have a nice day, hugs from Hungary,
I like Your works very much! Sunt superbe!
Thank You! It's a wonderful idea!
I recognized my sewing-machine can also do this type of work in September (reading its instructions …) I tried once the method but it was disastrous.
What size quilt do You think a beginner should start with?
Thanks for the tutorial. I'll post a link to you on my blog soon as I think many of my readers will enjoy it.
I use a similar grip when I free motion quilt and I'll try yours to see the difference.
I really love your work!
Thank you for such a clear tutorial! I have dabbled in machine quilting but it has always been difficult so I pirmarily hand quilt. I have 3 quilts to finish for the holidays so I knew that I was going to have to tackle machine quilting… I think I can do it following your instructions.
Geta, Thanks so much for the tutorial. I didn't think I could do extensive quilting like yours on my domestic machine. It is so very helpful. I may be up late tonight giving it a go. Thanks again!
I found your blog and tutorial thanks to Annas' blog and wow – you are one talanted gal!! I have a severe problem with the actual quilting, but with your expert advice I might get a hang of it. One thing I can figure out is where in EQ6 you find quilting templates….blocks, threads, embroidery – yes, but templates for quilting – nope. I might be a very bad searcher though LOL.
Hugs from Sweden!
Geta~ I just ripped out some "free motion" I did, I am going to pn a template, and take off my gloves, and try your hand idea 1 on top, 1 under. THANK YOU< and YES write a book, more money for thread. LOVE, Joy
Very informative tutorial, Geta. I will have to try out your suggestions next time I free motion.
Wolfie, in EQ6 go to Block Library>EQ6 Libraries>7Quilting Stencils. I think that's what you're looking for.
I am in "awww" of your work. You are so talented. And yes, I will be happy and honored to add your name to my blog. Thank you for sharing your talent.
My blog is http://www.fancythatbydebpoole.
Thanks Geta for a fantastic tutorial, I think you're work is amazing and you're English is great.
Thank you for this excellent tutorial,I like your hands position ,it is appropriate especialy for the beginners(like me) and the paper design for quilt
instead the drawing on top.
Great job
what a brilliant tutorial – thanks for going to all the effort. It is full of tips for new quilters like me!
Achei seu blog por acaso. Muito lindo seu trabalho, sou iniciante no patchwokr.
Amo essa tecnica, adoro fazer bolsas e cestinhas.
Sou a Rosa do Brasil. Bjs
That Trapunto quilt is amazing! Brava! Thanks also for this tutorial, it makes the quilting look soooo much more accessible. I've got a basket full of fat quarters waiting to make a quilt, but have been putting it off… maybe I'll make some potholders first and practice! Thanks!
Gracias por el tuto,la verdad muchas de nosotras empezamos en la nada sin saber como arrancar,justamente estoy teniendo problemas con la maquina ,de atras me cose igual ,,me canse asi que voy a cambiarla,soy de argentina no tengo mucho para elegir,las maquinas que tienen ustedes ,me esta terminando de convencer,aca no la consigo asi que la tendre que pedir de importacion,gracias nuevamente y un beso.
Thanx for shearing your experience. I would like to quilt this way. You are encouraging me.
Nice greetings,
The Netherlands
One of the most important things I would tell people when they want to start FMQing – is to buy a Darning Foot or Free Motion Foot attachment for their DSM if they don't already have one. If you're like me, you tried everything and was very discouraged when nothing worked. AHA.. there's a FOOT YOU HAVE TO BUY? Now I FMQ like a dream.
Also, girrrrll… you can barely see your Add a Comment link on your page – it's in a very pale shade of green.. it took me forever to find it!! hahaha.. Thanks for your wonderful tips!
Oh my goodness! I am happy that I found your blog :o) I am a novice quilter and love the information you have posted here. I am currently working only on hand pieced and handquilted baby quilts (for when we eventually become grandparents :o)…but have always wanted to learn more about free motion quilting.
I gave our daughter my old sewing machine, so I am on the look out for a new one that will work well with FMQ.
Blessings & Aloha!
Hard to see your Post a Comment…it needs to be darker! I love this tutorial. I am a beginner machine quilter and I have such a hard time.
Love your work
Gmama Jane
This is so good. Thank you. Really, thank you. I love your tips. Jen
You are an artist, way beyond just quilter! And your English is better than my grandchildren's who are American! Thank you for this tutorial.
I love your site! Thank you so much for your tute, now I think I can try your methods. I have many many table toppers to make for gifts. I will try your method on these first.
I agree, write a book, I'll buy it!
Your tutorial is one of the best and easiest to follow. Others I've looked at were quite intimidating. Thank you for the wonderful suggestions. I think I am ready to get started.
I love your blog site. I can't believe how beautifully you machine quilt. I made some small wall hangings and will try your method of machine quilting. I am amazed at your level of quilting (and your blocks also).
Muchas gracias por el tutorial de acolchado,tu trabajo es impresionante,un beso.
I'm happy SewCalGal shared this link with us. Thank you for showing us your methods. Your quilting is truly beautiful.
What a great tutorial. Thank you so much for sharing your technique. I can't wait to finish my next quilt top and try holding the quilt the way you show.
Your work is just stunning!!
Excellent!!! I am very happy to have read this tutorial! Thank you thank you thank you!
Your quilts are breathtakingly beautiful! I do have a question. On the quilt that you showed us how to use the paper method for quilting,( the brown stars), what did you do in between each of the blocks to define them so much? This is a beautiful quilt and I would really like to try this method but it looks so pretty the way you did it. Thank you in advance for you help and again, thank you for the very helpful tutorials.
Very inspiring! Thanks for the tips.
All great tips! I will be trying out your printing method for free machining. Thanks for sharing Geta!!!
Your site is very good and helpful thank you.
Very soon I'll be working on some FMQ, I haven't done anything but a few lines so far. Many of your tips will come in very handy and I learn. Thank you!
Your work is so beautiful. Your tips are very helpful. I am just learning free motion quilting. Thanks for sharing
Wow your quilts are magnificent. Congratulations for your Houston win. Very inspiring.
I am new to FMQ and really appreciate your tips and techniques. Thanks so muchfor so graciously taking the time. ~karen
I have admired your quilting photos for the past year, and want to thank you for your free motion tips. Your work is beautiful and perfection to a "T". I signed up for your email subscription. Many blessings to you for sharing your expertise. (
Thank you!
Hi I am curious about the clamps you have mentioned.. Can you please tell me the dimensions.. There are variety of sizes in those clamps that are available in market. I wonder which on can hold the entire thickness of fabric batting and backing.. Please suggestt
I loved this so much. inspiringly teaching one to look out for these points that might pop up.Thanks much help
Thank you again Geta for sharing your wonderful ideas, this new feather is amazing and so helpful. Sorry for the spelling I’m on an American computer that doesn’t speak proper English well…..ha ha.
Thanks for all the tips!! I have a question…in the picture where you have two different colored threads and it turns out all ugly on the back–that’s how my first attempts at free motion quilting are looking with one color thread–like all these little bumps on the back. Do you have a diagnosis/suggestion for me?
Thank you, Geta. I am definitely going to try this method. Also, thank you for the e-books and your words of encouragement. I am much older than you, but new to free-motion quilting, so I can certainly use your helpful tips.
wow thats very nice post i really like it thanks for sharing and much appreciate your effort
Christmas Greetings Wording
Thanks for mentioning that you should prevent your quilt from hanging off the sides of your table. Now that my sister has decided to have a baby next year, I would like to get a small blanket for her child to stay warm during the winter, but I don’t have any quilting experience. Maybe it would be best for me to look at a website that has plenty of quilting materials available.
Thank you for your post! I have been having trouble with holding my quilt when free motion quilting and will use your technique! As for your patterns, I’ve used Press & Seal and drew my design using a template. Then I sewed over the lines, as you do. I have to say that your quilting designs are breathtaking! Bravo!
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