This case has been made to comfortably fit A4-sized notebooks, an A5 notebook and a few pencils.

Find the center of the piece and stitch 0.25″ to the right and left of the center line (see the yellow lines).

Cut two pieces (9.5″x15″) from two fabrics; fuse medium weight interfacing to one of the piece.

Cut a strip 3″x30″ from an accent fabric.
Fold and press the strip in half lengthwise with the wrong side inside.
Set your machine to the longest available straight stitch (mine is 6).
Run a stitch 1/8” away from the raw edges. Do not backstitch and leave the thread ends long.
To gather the ruffle, you’ll need to pull on the bobbin thread. Do not tug the thread too hard, or it might break.
Pin the ruffle to the longest edge of the fabric you want as front of the pocket and stitch using 1/8″ seam allowance. Do not catch in the seam 0.25″ of the ends of the ruffle.
Lay the back piece of the pocket on top of the front piece+ruffle and pin into place. Make sure that the right sides are facing each other.
Stitch the long edges using 0.25″seam allowances.
Turn the piece right side out.
Topstitch over the ruffled edge.
Lay the pocket over the quilted piece. Align the bottom edge of the pocket with the left center seam. Topstitch close to the edges.
After the stitching is done, remove the excess of the ruffle.
Your piece should look in this way:
For the second pocket cut :
– two pieces 8″X9″ (interface one of them);
Stitch the two pieces together, leaving a long side unstiched.
Clip the corners,
turn it right side out
For the third pocket cut two piece 7.25″x5.25″ (interface one of them). Repeat the above steps but leave unstitched one of the short sides.
Prepare the heart shape
Download the template
Fold a piece a fabric with right sides together. Trace the template. Stitch and cut out the shape leaving small seam allowances. Cut a slit into one of the piece of fabric and turn the piece right side out. Press well.
Place the pockets onto the quilted piece.
Stitch the pockets close to the edges (see the black lines in the photo below).
Make slots for pencils
Draw lines about 1.25″ apart (see the yellow lines below). Topstitch over these lines. Backstitch each stitching line to reinforce it.
Applique the heart shape.
Prepare the handles
Cut two strips (3″X 12″) of fabric.
Fold and press the strips in half lengthwise with the wrong side inside.
Open and press long edges to center. Fold again in half and press.
Topstitch along the edges.
Stitch the handles in place.
Bind the piece using a 2.5″ wide strip of fabric.
I love yo-yos and buttons… I use them whenever I can…
My gifts for a special little girl are ready to be shipped ! I hope she will enjoy these “Pockets with Love” too !
Happy sewing,
That is adorable. Thanks for sharing
This will be a perfect Christmas gift for my 3 granddaughters… Thank you for the tutorial…
I love the ruffle detail.
Very cute tutorial!
What a wonderful gift and tutorial…thanks Geta for sharing the process…they would make wonderful gifts for little ones and big ones for Christmas…gotta think ahead!
Just for LITTLE girls? Heck, no! I am making one of these for myself!!! Oh, okay, I will make them for my nieces as well.
Thanks! Love it!
i would have loved that when i was little! heck! i love it now!
Another wonderful, professional tutorial! And such a cute project!
How thoughtful of you to make this for a friend's daughter–and even more thoughtful to make a tutorial for the rest of us!
You rock!!
Oh, it's very cute! Thank's for tutorial!
Este deosebit, si foarte frumos explicat!
Bravo Geta!
Wonderful tutorial! It is just the thing any girl…young or old..would love!
Hi Geta, this is a lovely tutorial, I'm going to make one of these1 I would also linke to link you on my other blog "", … can I???
Have a nice evening, hugs, Renata.
What a great idea, thank you! I'm going to make something like this for my granddaughter for when she goes places and has to wait, like restaurants and doctor offices. Maybe I'll make one side stiff enough to draw on. Cool!
Geta, happiness that this girl will get to receive your gift! You are very beautiful. Thanks for posting for us.
Great tutorial!
I appreciate your sharing this project with us. Thanks. I'm with the others, one for me, some for gifts no matter the age.
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Just what my GD will love. Thank you Geta, something else I have to get my teeth into.
I love it Geta, and so does my daughter, she wants one…!! Thanks so much for making such clear directions, as one other comment said, you could make one side stiff, maybe with a bit of cardboard inside so you could lean on it. What a great occupier for the kids when waiting with you for an appointment or in the car travelling….
How Cute Geta, Thanks for sharing, I can see myself making a few of these.
This is adorable, Geta! I think my little granddaughter might need one of these to take to preschool!
What a wonderful gift! Thank you so much for the tutorial, you have done a great job!
foarte frumos tutorialul.felicitari pentru tot talentul de care dai dovada.esti un exemplu de urmat.
Ca de obicei explicatiile tale sunt foarte concise si foarte clare!Gentuta este foarte frumoasa si utila! Cu siguranta vei face inca o fetita fericita!
What a great idea for a little girl, maybe even for big girls too. Thank you so much for sharing this idea.
Have a great day.
Since I don't have an active blog I posted your contest on facebook.
Just wonderful pockets!! Want order but have not Pay Pal system, only Visa.
Your blog was amazing!! Aune from Finland
wonderful tutorial!
my 8 year old daughter would absolutely love this. It would be fun to make up a few and have handy for birthday parties.
Would be great for a boy who likes to draw also. leave off the ruffle and heart. just use boyish fabric.
thanks for sharing.
love it great step by step instructions I may be able to do it I just got a sewing machine very beautiful
I think this is adorable, adn started making it for my granddaughter. Just one question – how to start with 14 x 26 and then adjust it down to 15 x 24 1/2?
I cut my pieces 14 x 26, so I'll have to adjust the measurements to work. It's something I think she will love! thank you.
I made the correction !
Thank you Karen!
I finished it today
I also bought some pretty pink pencils, a girlie notebook and some heart shaped paper clips, assorted color pens, to fill it up with. I think she will love it. Thank you for the tutorial!
E superba!!!!
Geta, Your sewing is beautiful and so inspiring. I love your blog
This is a wonderful tutorial…Thankyou!!!!
Its fantastic, i also want to make for my daughter. Really surprising.
Love the purse very much.
What a cute idea! I will plan to make this for my four-year-old grand-daughter. Thanks for sharing the idea!
Interesting… I was searching this info for my uncle. He will be happy for such a great info. Thanks for sharing…
You made a lovely pattern and tutorial. I'v linked it to my webbsite so my readers can have this great tutorial
I have just met your blog and I love it you have so many beautiful projects…!
I love these portfolios, your tutorial is so clear…! I'll try to do one myself.
Thank you very much.
Greetings from Spain
Consider me inspired! This is such a cute gift. your tutorial is spectacular, wonderful pictures and easy to understand. Thank you for sharing
Hi, I have stumbled across your site heaven knows how – but I find it HEAVENLY!!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously – you are a wonderful teacher. By your kind actions you are making countless people happy and become confident quilters. Your blog is a joy to wander through. Keep up the good work.
Thank you! I made one of these. You can see it here, if you'd like to:
Thank you for this tutorial. I am a beginner sewer and I have been looking for a portfolio to construct. I will tweak the pattern a little for my cross stitch items to hold and cross stitch a few things on it.
I was searching Pinterest to find a tutorial to sew for a swap Secret Santa gift. I thought a nice little bag to be able to put a sewing or quilting magazine, couple little pockets to store the basic notions needed to use as a travel bag. This project was perfect and i am in the process of making it. I am going to make one for myself as well. Thank you for sharing this tutorial.
Thank you for sharing, I am a beginner, I did a little after watching your sharing