…too tired to think about this…
This was a very bad week ( email issues, health problems…) and the week is not finished yet…
But I have to work…and I have worked…really, you can see below…

he worked even harder than me…

Now, let’s make a blog friend happy and send her my “Pockets with Love”.

She is Romanian !!! The first Romanian who won one of my giveaways.
Lucky me… lower shipping cost…
Thank you all for entering my giveaway !
I am sorry you have had a bad week , I hope it brightens up for you !
Congratulations to Anna! And thanks to Geta for another delightful giveaway.
But Geta, I'm so sorry to hear you haven't had a good week. I do hope you feel better soon. Pepe sure looks like he is willing to help out more! Maybe you can get some rest and let Pepe take care of things purrfectly (ha). If Pepe didn't create the mess on the floor, I'm sure he had fun playing in it.
Take care. Hugs!
Thank you Geta so much! What a surprise!!! Wow, I'm still speachless.
I hop you feel better, and pepe too. Salud.
Un besuco (a little kiss) from Spain.
Si eu am avut o saptamana zbuciumata…
Iti doresc sa nu mai ai probleme de sanatate! Sa fii vesela si in plina forma!
Celelalte nu se pun….
I hope the remainder of the week will be better. Sending hugs.
Sanatate iti doresc !Sper ca te simti mai bine ! muuult mai bine….ca altfel, uite, ce ne facem daca incepe Pepe sa ne faca tutoriale?:)))cine ne traduce ?
Thanks Geta!! Pepe is lovely!!!
Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!
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Geta I am so sorry that you are having a rough week but if itmakes you feel better I am right there with you having almost the same problems….we will overcome!!!!
Congratulations to Anna….
Here's hoping we have a better week..
Hi Geta,
I sorry about your bad week, I hope you are feeling and doing better. I miss your blogs.
I hope your week gets better.
Congrats to the winner.
This kind of information is very limited on internet. Nice to find the post related to my searching criteria. Your updated and informative post will be appreciated by blog loving people.
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