I just finished the cutest little purse I have ever made! I can’t show it yet, but I am so excited about it. It ‘s for a little girl. I keep it on my arm while I am walking through my house and looking in the mirror! So darn cute, you will see !
All the last week I stitched bags and now I am writing tips for you ! Practicing is the best teacher!
While I was stitching one of the bags I heard a strange noise, as if the needle hits something. I removed the needle plate and I saw that the needle hits the hook and I can’t sew anymore.
At first I was scared and I thought that I have to call my mechanic to repair the machine. After I calmed down I changed the needle, the noise disappeared and I could sew again.
The reason of this issue was the bent needle. While stitching through thick fabrics the needle could bend. The same thing could happen while stitching over pins (I have this bad habit).
So, even if a sewing machine can stitch but it is too noisy or there is an unusual noise while stitching, maybe the machine is screaming to us: Change the needle!!
I must admit, since I can’t cross the street and buy some needles, I do that only it is absolutely necessary !
I can’t finished a post without some pictures ( wow, who would read a post without pictures??).
So, please forget about my mistakes in English and look at the flowers I made for my bags…
Wow, this flower is nice but my hand stitching is just pathetic…
ff frumos! astept cu nerabdare sa vad cum arata!
I have the bad habit stiching over needles too! I can't wait to see your new work too, it will be onderfull, I'm shure! Renata.
It's nothing wrong with your hand stitching! Your English is very good too. And your works, oh my… I love your blog!!!
Cosi foarte frumos si de mana…Si aici funtioneaza povestea cu exersarea, ca si in cazul cusutului la masina….
De fapt eu am intrat pe blogul tau ca sa te felicit pentru articolul din revista Casa si Gradina.
Pacat ca apare doar in varianta electronica.Eu cumpar revista asta de cand apare si sunt abonata la newsletter-ul lor. Asa am vazut, caci tu, modesta cum esti, nu ai suflat o vorbulita…adica n-ai scris un cuvintel!
Uite ca zic eu:
Intrati aici, va rog, cele care o apreciati pe Geta Grama.
Multumesc, Geta draga, pentru generozitatea cu care iti impartasesti cunostintele! Am invatat si invat, inca, multe de la tine!
Cu mult drag,
I love your posts and your bags! I can not wait to see the finished product. Your hand stitching you are to hard on yourself it looks great. I mean so many don't even try it.
I think your hand stitching looks great!!! I really like how you topped the yo-yo flower. Very cute!!!
Ann Flowers
Oh I think your hand stitches are just beautiful!!!! Can't wait to see the bags you have made !!
I think your stitching looks lovely.
your little flowers AND your hand stitching are adorable! Love your blog…
Geta, good point about the bent needle. It can happen easily if you try to help fabric thicknesses through the pressure foot. That's usually when mine break. Your hand stitching is good, don't worry about it. Just remember, who does the work creates the art and no one else has the right to condemn it!
Sigur va fi foarte frumos la final!
Felicitari pentru articolul din revista! Ii multumesc si Mihaelei ca ne-a anuntat!