Did I say yesterday “Spring Sale” ? Yes, my patterns are on sale, but SPRING ???
Here is the picture I took this morning ! I hope this is the last snow !
Do you know who inspired me to make those pretty little things for little girls?
Alexa ! She is the daughter of my Romanian friends who live in Atlanta.
She is the only little girl in my family and among my friends and obviously, all I make it’s for her.
Three months after her birthday, I managed to send her a few presents. These pretty little things…
Yesterday was a happy day ! Her mother called me and told me that Alexa was so excited when she saw all those little bags…Alexa herself told me this… She is only six…
The portfolio was the star. She filled it with all she needs and took it to school. Her mother tried to convince her to keep it for special occasions but she did not agree…
She is happy – I am happy too!
So, I think I have to make a few other portfolios soon. I already dream of an improved version: stiffer, with a closure for the large pocket and a few other thing…
But not only Alexa received such a portfolio.
Michele of Quilting Gallery made one for her niece
and Char in Montana made two for her granddaughters…
They told me the little girls were delighted to receive them !No wonder, they are so cute !
Thank you Michele and Char for sharing these pictures with us.
I am more than happy to see that my tutorials are used !
Do you remember the quilts I tried to make last year for Alexa ? This UFO and this one?
I think I will assemble some of those blocks into two baby quilts. I need a few baby quilts soon…
In the last weeks my blog received a few awards. Thank you my friends Jan, Sanda, Ela, Ortansa.
This is such a great way to meet new and creative people. I would offer this award to all the wonderful crafters in my list of favorites!
I always enjoy opening your blog; your colors are so cheery (can you tell I live where the winter is long?:) )and projects interesting.
One of these days I hope to be able to sit at the machine and play, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying your blog! Thank you for taking the time to share. SJ
Hi Geta,
I did add a small piece of Velcro to keep the two sides of the bag closed. Snaps would have been nice, but I wasn't sure how easy they would be for Lucy at just 4.
Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration. You've now helped me with Lucy's 3rd and 4th birthday, can't wait to see what's next… hehe
Oh wow…what fun items on your post today.
I purchased your bag pattern and can't wait to make it…
We had out last snow on monday – but I hope thats it for this year. Right now we have spring temperatures and sun.
Those portofolios are great – thanks for your tutorials.
Yesterday I have received the bag + pocket with love pattern via mail. They are great and I cant wait to get started!
Felicitari pentru interviu si pentru tot ceea ce realizezi!
Draga Geta, Prietena ta DA, voi fi intotdeauna!!!

Prietena de quilting, din pacate …imi pare rau ca nu pot fi eu acum o asemenea prietena, cu care sa cosi impreuna, sa te pot ajuta de-adevaratelea. Dar poate va veni o zi si pentru noi. Multumesc ca ai pomenit si de Peticele!
Setul pentru Alexa este splendid. De ce nu ne arati si o poza cu ea? Alexa este inteleapta, nimic nu trebuie pastrat pentru maine. Astazi este o zi foarte buna ca sa porti o poseta cu o floare, sau un penar elegant!!!
The snow photo is pretty but I am sure you are just as tired of snow as I am after this long winter with many snow storms. Most is gone now but the weather prediction is for snow again this weekend