I love to sew mini blocks! These ones below measures 2.75”. In case you think that you don’t have patience to sew such blocks, I can tell you that the piecing is really fun, because it is actually strip piecing.
For these blocks I used 1” wide strips. The pattern for this block is here.
I stitched a 16” pillow and I thought to turn the three orphan blocks into coasters.
At this small size, I thought to skip the binding and finish the blocks without binding.
A little trick makes the process quick and easy so I thought to share it with you.
So here is what you have to do:
Cut the batting just a little bigger than the top.
Cut the backing 1 1/2” bigger than the top.
Cut the backing in half.
Stitch the halves right sides together, leaving a gap in the center.
Press the seam allowance to one side.
Layer the top with batting and baste them together – sew close to the edge, at 1/8” from the edge.
Trim the batting even with the top.
Place the top+batting over the backing, right sides together.
Sew at 1/4” from the edges.
Trim the excess at 1/8” from the previous seam.
Trim the corners.
Turn the piece right side out through the gap. Push out the corners. Press the seams well.
Close the gap in the backing, sewing by hand.
Then quilt as desired.
As you see, the gap in the center of the backing is a better option than a gap at the outside edge – easier to finish, with better looking edges!
A narrow border added to a piece will help you do a continuous quilting; you move from one area to another by stitching-in-the-ditch along the border seam. Also, if the border is narrow and you let it unquilted, it will look just like a real binding. Below it is not so evident, because the piece is too small.
But on bigger pieces, it shows better- see the black coasters below that measure 5”.
Cute, isn’t it?
Next time when you make coasters, maybe you will give this technique a try!
Pattern for this design and other projects here!
Happy sewing!
great idea — I’m definitely going to try your method with my next of coasters!
This is wonderful, thank you!
thank you so much for all your posts!!
I am glad you enjoy them, Jean.
Geta, this is a great tip! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome, Sandy, I am glad you find it helpful.
I have been thinking of trying something like this on a small table runner but didn’t know how to achieve it.
Thanks to you, Geta, I can now be confident that the idea works perfectly.
Yes, Robyn, it works great for small pieces, even for baby quilts!
That is such a brilliant idea. Christmas is coming and I had planned on making small rug mugs. Now I can finish them beautifully. Thanks!
Thank you for the great tip. I will be using it for my next lot of coasters.
Thanks for the instructions, great idea.
thank you for sharing this idea Geta.
This is so neat! I knew there had to be a better way! Thanks for sharing!!!!
Love it. Thank you!
Thank you so much I like it.
Thank you very much, I will certainly try your coasters.