15-Year-Old Tool Saves the Day!
Can you believe it? A quilting tool I bought 15 years ago and never used finally came in handy for sewing a bag! I’m talking about chalk wheel markers!
Many quilters use these for marking quilts, but mine stayed tucked away in a drawer since I rarely mark my quilts before quilting (and I have other marking options, anyway!).
A few days ago I stitched a travel bag from faux leather backed with interfacing.
To secure them together, I needed to mark stitching lines. That’s when I remembered the chalk wheel marker—and it worked brilliantly!
And this is the bag: a bigger version than the one of this MINI ME Travel Bag Pattern.
Quick to sew…
Easy to sew…
It’s a great project if you do not have too much time for sewing!
Happy sewing!
I’m glad you finally found a use for the chalk wheel. I use it a lot for sewing clothing.
I really like this bigger version of the Mini Me Travel Bag. It is such a great bag and so useful in many sizes. For a weekend getaway sew the pattern as is for toiletries and sew a giant size for clothing. I may have to try this after the holidays.