Books are and always have been special to me (oh, who would have thought I would write a book myself?). I spent my childhood in communist Romania and our family of four girls didn’t have too many books. But we read a lot – borrowed from the school library or from friends.
I was about 12 years old, and we all loved reading so much that my sister Oana (a year younger than me) and I were reading the same book at the same time! Sometimes we would rip the book in half so we could read at the same time. Going to the library and picking out books were favorite activities.
Many of today’s children don’t have our appetite for reading- it saddens me. But I thought about those children who still enjoy going to libraries, buying books, and giving books to friends and I designed a small bag for them that YOU can sew.

A little bag designed for children to carry favorite books and notebooks or other little things to school or fun events.
As you can see, it’s not a regular bag! It has three compartments- two for books/notebooks and one central pocket for smaller things.
I made two versions: a tall bag and a wide bag.
These bags comfortably fit letter/A4 sized books or notebooks.
I used heavyweight cotton and a lightweight interfacing but they can be made in other types of fabric too.
Great pattern for using assorted fabrics from a collection.
This bag is not just for kids – adults need book bags too, so make yourself a gift – sew this bag.
If you need larger bags, it’s easy to adjust the pattern.
The technique is similar with the one used for sewing these pretty pouches– the easiest and fastest technique!

Give your loved ones a gift that will be used again and again for years: a few books in their own little bag!
Going to a workshops? Meeting with a crafty friend? Do not put your favorite books in your regular large bag; instead, have a small bag intended particularly for carrying your favorite books.

You can stitch the front of the bag in any technique you like. Here is my patchwork bag made with the technique of the Textured Bliss patterns.

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